Astrology is bullshit, or is it?

What do you think of Astrology?

Tae's POV: Mmkay, I'll get this out the way early... PLEASE STOP BELIEVING IN THE BOWEL MOVEMENT KNOWN AS ASTROLOGY, it has plagued our society long enough. Seriously, if one more person tells me they act some sort of way because of the month they were born, I will personally print out their horoscope... force them to read it... and show them that it doesn't predict the death they will face when I throw them out the window. *breathes - woosah* ..

Asstrology, correctly categorized as a pseudoscience, provides people with an excuse to act a certain way and blame it on the planets. Pause - first off, if you really read the descriptions characterized within each sign... you will come to see the statements are so damn vague... you'll ALWAYS find something that suits your personality. In other words, I might act like a libra this week because I'm feeling balanced, and a cancer the next week because I'm feeling emotional. Shit is situational... not because the moon wants to move here or there and cockblock the earth from the sun or whatever asstrology claims. *rolls eyes*

Moreover, to the asstrology fanatics who find that every detail of their sign relates to them.... HELLO... have you never heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy? You're so certain you are 'suppose' to act this way... that you carry out the behavior... completing the circle that makes you believe asstrology has any type of substance. Damn shame.

Do you know somebody that is deadset on astrology? Do the little things I do to shake their foundation. Tell them you are a sign that you aren't and I'll bet you $1000 they'll say "Oh, I could tell because you act like.... which is characteristic of your sign". After they complete their clueless spiel... say, "BITCH PLEASE, I lied, now what?" Lmao. Better yet, look through the horoscopes in the newspaper, I bet you'll relate to more than half of them. The statements are so general, you'd have to be out of this world (like me hehe) to not relate to it.

At the end of the day, I'll be damned if the time I am born' dictates what my personality is like.. more than the spirit that lives inside of me. Which is another fishy thing about astrology... why does it focus on 'the day you were born' as opposed to the moment of conception, the moment of your creation? Val... gon' spit cho nonsense.

Val's POV: *mushes Tae & glares at her a lil and presses pause button so I can tug on my baby's* nigga, I like how you go in on something you know would ruffle my feathers a little bit. We got jokes huhn? You a funny dude sometimes. I am kind of feeling this du-blog <--just created a Pro'ism lol I like this open discourse especially being able to read your thoughts on things we haven't discussed in depth yet...I love you! *cracks neck and presses play...lets go*

Let me say this first and foremost the emotions by matter of long windedness I am about to express are solely my personal opinions. I tend to rant when passionate about a topic.

Why do "eccentrics" like me believe in astrology when "logicians" like Tae refute it?

Blame it on my Aquarian traits, *smirking* my upbringing, or things I've seen and witnessed in this life time. While I'm not a church fanatic nor religious by any standard I still believe in a higher power. The greatest mathematician who created the planets which play an integral role in our existence. The stars, moon and sun merge with our souls thus permeating cosmic energy.

Thus, just as a body is made up of bones, fluid and flesh, a soul is made up of astral elements from the Lights and planets.

Astrology is a method of positioning harmonic relationships between celestial bodies. All of it is determined by the daily rotations of the earth. Through the cosmic imprinting of each birth, event or moment in time, we can find the potential within our individual human consciousness, as well as the in pouring of energy that mirrors human evolution and events. ( refer to the book of life spoken of in your churches)

Before birth, each of us chooses a birth time and place - in order to connect with certain other souls, work out past karma, and continue progressing as spirits in human form. There is also a certain element of chance - by necessity and design - that helps to make each of us unique and bring us surprises and new experiences.

Learning about your birth sign in my opinion serves two key purposes: first, you may gain a better understanding of your inborn personality traits and how they serve to strengthen and nurture you; and second, you consciously reunite with the universal elements.. This is a way of opening to the God-force, or universal light of which we are a part of.

Astrology is not simply your daily horoscope. How could 1/12th of the world's population have the same fate as you? Real Astrology is more then that. Your personality has a bit of every sign and every planet in it, it’s a blend of elements unique to you. Regardless of what your astrologer or horoscope may say, your choices will ideally be based on your own inner voice, your higher self -the voice of reason, and clarity. Whatever you get in a predictive reading is to give you insights into trends and possibilities in your future, with a focus on opportunities and feelings, NOT specific events. The intention will hopefully be to help you accept and prepare for your challenges.

God (whomever or whatever that means to you) created our universe ages ago, giving us sapiens, varying visions of spiritual meaning for existence within this universe. Astrology was birth from one of those visions. I actually did a paper in college based on the evolution of astrology within different cultures. It is deeply ingrained in Eastern philosophies, and in the West it has been accepted more often than rejected by popular theology*. It is a living art. Your astrological sign is not a way to cop out on personality problems. Whatever difficult traits you may have are meant to challenge you to become a better, stronger, more spiritual person.

Not predict your many steps. I believe at different times I bear different characteristic traits but I also feel by nature and design I am every bit my Aquarian sign….quote me!


cecelia; said...

Astrology may or may not be real... but I can tell you as somebody that knows a hell of a lot about it that I have not once yet guessed the wrong sign when I ask them to correctly describe themselves. I've done it with people @ bus stops, in my classes, strangers&friends..

If the moon can control whole ocenas (tides)... why would it be strange to think that it can control levels of various chemicals in your body?

Just a thought.

frshaire said...

"If the moon can control whole ocenas (tides)... why would it be strange to think that it can control levels of various chemicals in your body?"

That whole theory spawns off the believe that 'who you are' is a factor of your physical body. I believe the essence of my character is found in my spirit... something the moon can't control. The ocean has no soul... it's only another physical element of this earth. My life, being, and character are not a product of this earth.

cecelia; said...

Well.. I don't know. Everyday,as more research is done in neuroscience, they are able to isolate different personality "traits" & character tendencies in both DNA sequences and chemical reactions/processes. While life experiences (and the consequent "building of character" if you will ) aren't necessarily controlled by the moon , your reactions are-- at least in some part-- directly affected by your tendency towards any given personality trait.

I guess some people do believe their essence, character, spirit, etc.. is something that they are just born into or have had inserted in them (by God, maybe?) but I don't really see how that is any more or less ridiculous than astrology.

Or maybe they believe they choose their own spirit or essence.. but then again, that sounds an awful lot like the self-fulfilling prophecies you talked about. "I am a generous person because I say I am."

frshaire said...

Here is where the mistake in your comparison lies... 'faith' and science require two separate belief/thought-processing systems. Through science, you can make statements based off evidence that is observable... hence neuroscience studies that show xy and z. Faith (god) requires you to believe without being able to observe.

Astrology does not present itself as a matter of faith or else there would be no issue (I would never dispute a person's faith because it is a core belief that can't be disproved or proven). Instead, astrology falsely presents itself as a science where you are asked to believe things based off the alignments of celestial bodies - to which can be observed. Its foundation has no evidence and its conclusions are merely generalizations of human behavior.

Your mentioning of neuroscience further emphasizes my point. For one, there is evidence to support these findings. Secondly, the 'tendency' that you mentioned is what many people would describe as a 'soul'. Those same studies show identical twins may still have distinct personalities (psych major), despite their same upbringing and identical genes. What causes this, the planets? =\ Even if they do, where is the evidence considering Astrological matters can be observed. =|

As a person who 'believes in God'... I do feel our essence is a part of the divine plan. The reason why it's not ridiculous is because I've never made my belief out to be a matter of science. Either you have faith or you don't.

Astrology has never taken that road. They've inserted their beliefs to be scientific... not faith-based... resulting in the biggest con I've seen.

And not for nothing, when astrology was created 2000 years ago...the equinox and the solstice points in the sky were in a different position... so technically people would be under a different sign now... but are they... no! That's the biggest clue in recognizing a pseudoscience... the information doesn't change.

K. Michel said...


Let's take into account that astrology is for real. We'll say that astrological signs are as reliable as basic trigonometry, right Tae?

If this is true (that personality can be determined from the stars) then we could also say that our lives are pre-determined, couldn't we?

"I have no choice for the way I act ...I'm a Leo!" --For example.

Suddenly we have no more free will because we can't choose how to conduct ourselves. Our astrological signs choose our personalities for us.

Astrology probably has it's uses... the supervision of people's personalities isn't one of them, though. I'm with you on this one, Tae. Sorry Val.

We still homies, though.

Unknown said...

You know I get daily horoscope readings in my email and I don't check them...I guess that's why I am unhappy in life...NOT!!!

cecelia; said...

"If this is true (that personality can be determined from the stars) then we could also say that our lives are pre-determined, couldn't we?

"I have no choice for the way I act ...I'm a Leo!" --For example."

Why would your personality being determined by astrology give you any more or less of a license to say you have "no choice" than a personality determined by something else (god, dna, upbringing,etc)? Wouldn't people who attribute their personality to any of those things also be able to say "I have no choice how I act, God made me this way!" or "My parents raised me this way!" or "It's in my blood!"-- all of which I have heard infinitely more times than "I'm a Leo"

I'm not asserting astrology is real, fake, science or anything else. I'm just not ruling out the possibility. Astrology (appropriately) is not exactly a top priority for research, but keep in mind that for almost any "scientific" discovery that has been made, you can trace back a history of skepticism and even complete disbelief in the possibility of such a finding.

K. Michel said...

Why would your personality being determined by astrology give you any more or less of a license to say you have "no choice" than a personality determined by something else (god, dna, upbringing, etc)?

If there's a science out there saying that it can determine a person's personality just by their astrological sign... this could only mean there's already a preset standard in place beyond our control.

"There must be something that all Leo's share, that Gemini's or Libra's don't." --That's the mindset going on. Astrology says that it knows the common link.

Now, if there's a common link with personality, you can also say that an astrological sign is a direct cause of a person's personality. If the person was another sign, they'd behave differently.

The points of God, dna and upbringing are not different, they could easily be substituted for astrology.

The problem with astrology is, how do we know that it's because of a person's sign and not their upbringing or DNA or God for that matter?

I still say astrology is meant to be used for something else, babe. [@ Cecelia]

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